Sunday, December 14, 2014

So much to do!

I'm pretty sure I can get it done, but not totally sure.  :-)  I have Christmas shopping, picture uploading, custom art journaling, housekeeping, cooking and a lot of other things to do.  I hope that I can get them all done.  We had a small craft sale yesterday and I do mean small.  My friend and I went and tried to sell our wares she makes wreaths and quilted things and my art journal pages.  I made 4 dollars, - the booth space rental of 10, so -6 dollars, but that's okay.  I had a good time and I got to spend time with two of my bestest friends.  My daughter got up with a sore throat and so did not go, which was kind of weird.   The fact that I was there after work yesterday and came home pretty tired, means the house is a wreck and I have all this other stuff to do.  We'll see how it goes!  I have a list today and I am going to start trying to check things off.  Meanwhile, I will share some pictures.

The wise men are traveling through the house as they do each year.

A very complicated knitting pattern my daughter is working on.  It goes on for at least 6 pages

My mom and her sister.

Another Christmas tree shot.  I just can't resist the tree.  :-)  

What Piper did to our new welcome mat.  She made it an unwelcome mat, my youngest says.  

My Christmas cactus, a gift from my son's girlfriend, during her visit.  It's beautiful.  I have been enjoying it. 

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