Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I really need to find another way to make a living.

Some days my job is okay and other days it is just awful.  Today, for some reason, it is really getting on my nerves.  I had to do a training session this morning and that's probably the reason.  Things like that just annoy me to no end.  I realize that the company has to train me, but listening to a 20 minute explanation of the new pay guidelines just is not my idea of fun.  I think I could have read and understood it in about 10 seconds, and that's probably why.   I just don't have any patience with anything and I thought as I got older that would get better and in some ways it has ... but in other ways, it's worse.

Anyway, I need to just get it done and then get on with my afternoon.  I have a LOT of Christmas shopping to do.  I am thinking of trying to make a deal with my husband wherein he shops for our sons, buying the electronic gadgety stuff and I shop for everyone else.  I think that sounds reasonable and doable for both of us.  We'd better get on it though, the library books we checked out yesterday are due on December 23rd!

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