Monday, November 03, 2014

Today, I did something I've been neglecting ...

I looked at my calendar on a Monday to see what I need to do this week.  Crazy, I know.  It's a good thing I did too, because I have some lab work today that I had forgotten about.  I am a very random person.  I like to think of myself as an absent minded professor type because I am pretty smart in some areas, but often (read almost always) have my head in the clouds, thinking about something and not paying any attention to what I am currently doing.  I manage to work and do school and take care of my mom with a series of lists, but I am not able to consistently keep a notebook on my desk for very long and pens seem to flee from me so I almost never have a pen (Thankfully, the markers have not figured out how to escape their prison heh, heh.)  So my notes are scribbled sometimes with marker or crayon, on different little scraps of paper, but most of the time, I get most things done.  So anyway, lab work today means that I have to put visiting mom off to tomorrow.  At one point in my life, I would have gotten very upset about having to change that, but now, I just take it in stride.  If I visit mom for 2 hours, then I am gone from home for 4 hours.  It's hard to find a window of opportunity that large sometimes.  It just is.  Yesterday I was going to go but I had a very pleasant reason not to, the birthday party of my beautiful 6 year old niece.  Today it's lab work.  Tomorrow, I have nothing written on my calendar, but we shall see.  I'll just go with the flow.  
Markers in their container, art journaling with my assistant "helping me".  Doesn't my daughter do a good job highlighting my hair?

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