Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I learned to crochet in August and this is my very first crochet project.  It's pretty much done.  My daughter is going to give it a border beause of the uneven edges, to kind of even it up.  It's approximately 48 x 56 inches.  I am very happy with it.  When I look it at I can see all my rows but I also know that my mom contributed to it (the big gray row about 1/3 of the way down and the big green row about 2/3 of the way down) and also my husband, youngest son and daughter have done some of the stitches.  We are saving it from completion until my oldest gets home from school for Thanksgiving and then he can learn to crochet and do at least a couple of stitches.  :-)  You an't see how bright it is in these photos, but it is very bright and cheerful looking and it makes me happy to look at it.  I am hooked now, on crocheting and will do more projects, after resisting it for so long.  :-)  

1 comment:

  1. "I am hooked now, on crocheting".
    LOL I see what you did there!

    Your scrap-ghan is gorgeous! I bet it will be warm, too. Things that bring joy and beauty but also fill a practical need are the BEST! This has the added bonus of being a legacy of yarn-work, too. Three generations of stitchers is quite remarkable.
