Friday, November 21, 2014

Chair re-do!

A few years ago, we bought a used dining room set.  It has steel chairs which will never, ever, break, I'm pretty sure.  Over the years, we have recovered the padded seats in the chairs many, many times.  My daughter says that we have covered them in progressively uglier fabrics (until now!) but in my defense, this paisley fabric that looks so awful now, was prettier/brighter back when we put it on a couple of years ago.  Now it looks all gray.  Anyway, we went to the fabric store the other day and bought a couple of yards of 2 different chevron fabrics.  We wanted the lighter blue but they only had one yard of that, so we got a dark blue and went with a mismatched effect- light blue on 2 chairs and darker blue on the other 2.   I love them now!  This whole makeover cost around 11 dollars because Hancock fabrics was having a sale.  Awesome.  :-)

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