Monday, October 13, 2014

My Review - The Action Bible Guess-It Game

In my excitement at having a giveaway to do on my blog, I forgot to write my review of this game!  The winner was Kathryn C. and we are in the process of getting her address so the game can be sent to her and her family!  

Here's the review I did on the Family Christian website. 

"I think this would be a lot of fun for a church trivia night. by Fatcat on 10/7/14
There are bible persons, places and things and each beautifully illustrated card lists 20 clues, at first very vague clues and then increasingly specific. The earlier in the clue process you guess it, the more points you get. We played it at home but I think it would be more fun at a trivia night party. There are a few variations of how to play, which are helpful because if you are like me and have a child who knows pretty much all the answers but hates to write anything down, there is a no-writing variation. The game made us think and it sent us to our bibles to look some things up, so it was a learning experience for us as well! The only drawback that I saw was one of my children was confused about the wording of some of the questions and did not like it that things like The Ten Commandments, were referred to as "I" as in "I am the 10 Commandments" so after the first one like this, I changed the wording as I read the questions. All in all, an interesting take on a bible trivia game with several variations!"
 I think that it is a good game to reinforce bible learning!.  As a homeschooler I know how much the kids learned and how much they enjoyed it when we would pull out a game to supplement our studies.  This is excellent for that!   

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