Saturday, September 27, 2014

Field trip.

Louisville skyline.
We went to the Louisville water company  which has surprisingly beautiful architecture then walked across the pedestrian bridge over the Ohio River.  I did not get very good photos of the bridge, but a few of the view from it.

The ramp up to the bridge with the shadow of the bridge.
An island in the Ohio.  I tried to look up the name, but didn't find it.

Water tower.  

This is the building that used to hold the old steam pumps for the water company.  I can't believe how pretty they made it.

This was in the water tower museum, a prescription for cholera.  I think maybe it was just to make you not care that you had cholera .... 

These are all inside the steam pump building.  So pretty. 

The bottom of the water tower.
After that, we went to see mom, got stuck in traffic for a long time, then came home and collapsed to watch part of season 7 of The Big Bang Theory that we got from Netflix.  It was a good day.

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