Friday, August 15, 2014

This week in random pictures.

I don't always have my tablet with me to take pictures but I have been doing pretty well this week, carrying it around with me.  This is the last week before my son moves back to Mississippi for his third year of college.  It's hard to believe that he is halfway done.  I am hoping that he moves back home after college, but I don't know if he will.  :-(  It's hard being a parent when the kids just insist on growing up so quickly!  Anyway, here are some of the things we've done this week.  
Yesterday I drove by the KY State Fairgrounds.  This is fair week and we will be up there one or maybe 2 times. 
We ate out last night, something we only do for birthdays and we are counting this one for my oldest son and for my daughter because one has an early August birthday and one has a September birthday.

I took this picture of the garden at mom's assisted living facility on Tuesday when I was there.  I try to get there a couple of times a week, though with it being an hour away, it is more difficult.
The back to school sales at walmart had these shower caddies for college students for 3 dollars and I nabbed this one for my markers.  Fun!  
A drawing from this week.  I have been very into the big, many petaled flowers for some reason lately.
The view from the seventh floor at my doctor's appointment yesterday.  I hope now that mom is settled to be able to keep my doctors appointments for myself more often and hopefully get some of my mysterious symptoms cleared up.  

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