Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Out and about a bit.

We still haven't started school.  My youngest son and I did go to homeschool gym day yesterday and on the way, we discussed again what he wants to do this year.  He wants to learn to play the violin, he wants to learn German, so I really need to work on finding a way for him to do those things, preferably without spending a lot of money.  After I typed that sentence, I Googled "buy a violin".  :-)   Sigh.  I just don't really feel up to it right now. and we may just start with a few things and build up.  I'm pretty sure my son's math teacher (my husband) has not ordered any calculus curriculum yet and since I haven't ordered anything for either the German or the violin, we may start him on whatever language freebies we can find online and assign some reading and let that be all we do at first, gradually building up throughout the year.  Over the past 10 years, there have been several times when August has found us not ready to start school and sometimes our school is seriously underfunded.  :-)

In other news, we are trying to get some things done regarding my mom's house and her VA benefits which we hope to get and part of yesterday was involved with that.    It seems like everything we do, leads to something else we have to do.  We had the appointment with the person who is going to help us apply for VA benefits and she had a couple more forms for mom to sign, then we had to go to the bank and then we, mistakenly it seems, went to the property records office and found out that instead of going there we needed to go to the lawyer's office, but when we went to the lawyer's office they were out to lunch, so we didn't get a whole lot accomplished.  It feels like everything is going so S-L-O-W-L-Y.  This kind of thing just drives me crazy, but I have to do it and I want to do it very, very well, for mom.

On the up side, homeschool gym day was fun.  :-)  In this picture, it looks like a kind of lazy gym day.  This is not all the kids and this was after a couple of hours of basketball and ultimate frisbee, so they were taking a break.  :-)

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