Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hanging in here.

This is me when we recently went out for dinner.   I'm hanging in there.  I got up this morning and instead of working, went straight to the doctor's office because I was in a lot of pain.  Turns out, it is a kidney infection.  Oh well, at least that's something curable.  Until the next one.

We did start homeschooling this week. My son seems to be actually enjoying it.  I found some on-line German lessons - he wants to learn German because he thinks it will be easiest foreign language.  I ordered him a writing book, my husband is planning his math, he's doing World History.   The only thing that I am truly worrying about/struggling with is his spelling.  I am not sure how to approach this because he truly has a disability in this area.  I have been looking at software and apps and programs on line, but I am thinking that I will do a couple of things with flash cards.  One is maybe this set of Greek and Latin roots and the other is the other is the method we were using last year - the Dianne Craft method of teaching him how to spell by writing the words on cards and holding them up and having him move his eyes up and to the left, then close his eyes and spell the word.  It's taking a mental picture of it, which is what he seems to have difficulty with.

This week also, I started crocheting.  My friend Amy (Hi Amy!) posted a picture of a scrap afgan and I said that I thought those were neat and I might have to learn to crochet (again) and make one.  My daughter was so excited by this, that I would learn to crochet and also she liked the look of the scrapghan and she has a lot of leftover yarn ... so anyway, I mentioned this one evening, and by the next morning, my scrapghan had been started and 5 rows had been done.  Then, my daughter taught me to crochet again and I did about 25 or 30 stitches, then she took over and did a couple more rows.  It's funny.  My husband and I have been joking about what a good job I am doing and how sometimes I do a few rows in my sleep.  I am pretty amazing.  :-)

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