Thursday, August 07, 2014


Yesterday we were celebrating.  It was my wonderful daughter's 18th birthday and it was also free root beer float day at A&W so we met some friends there and celebrated for a while.  It was fun.  We will also go and celebrate her birthday this weekend by eating out at the restaurant of her choice.  We also did some errand yesterday and a bit of cleaning, but overall, it was a pleasant day in which we did not do a whole lot.  Those are nice, sometimes, but if I get too many of those, I feel frustrated about not accomplishing anything.  Facebook was flooded yesterday with pictures of local kids going back to school, first day of school pictures, so we posted a 'not back to school" picture of my youngest celebrating at A&W with his friends.  He is my only homeschooler and I am not planning on him starting back until probably after the state fair.  We never start until my oldest goes back to college and that is the week of the state fair, so we may just wait until that's over before we start school.  These next 2 years for him, we are going to work on his literacy skills and the advanced math he wants to take.  He's currently thinking of getting an engineering degree (?!) which I just heard about recently when he mentioned it to one of my friends in the homeschool group.  We may just go ahead and put him in college classes at some point in the next 2 years.  We will see.

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