Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday, the 23rd.

Look how good my garden looks now, compared to how bad it looked the first few days.  We thought we could save these plants and we did.  I ate a salad this morning with a home grown tomato.  Yum.

In other news, this is a busy, busy week.  We've got a lot going on but most of it is good stuff, so we don't mind so much.  I had a great Mom's Night Out last night and got to reconnect with some people I hadn't seen in a while, plus the ones that I get to see quite often, but enjoy very much.  We ate at Qdoba which was pretty good, but the seats really aren't conducive to sitting for a long time and talking.  Before that we had gone to the salvage grocery store where I had picked up a ton of gluten free products, flour, cereal, cookies and baking mixes.  I'm still feeling kind of bad, but I am still in good spirits and that helps a lot.

A couple of really nice things happened yesterday.  The first is that the lady that is doing VBS for our church asked if she could use my art to decorate the building.  That was very flattering.  I have yet to go look at how it all looks hanging up, but hopefully will get time tomorrow.  Yesterday also my son got called into his supervisor's office at work and she told him that in August when he goes back to school they don't want him to resign, they want him to fill out a leave of absence form, so he can come right back to work whenever he's not in school.  How cool is that?  It might make up for the loss of his work study job at school.  Apparently the doctor he was assisting there gets new assistants every year to give more students a chance at a job.  My son is going back to school a bit early and will apply for others, but he might not get another one, so this will help.

Tonight we get to have dinner with my brother and his wonderful girlfriend and finally, for one of the first times this whole year, I do feel like celebrating a little bit.

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