Saturday, June 28, 2014

Busy, but pretty good day.

After the year we have had, my expectations for good days have went down, I think.   I am thankful for any small amount of goodness and today had several good things.  I worked this morning and as soon as I finished, we all gave our house a bit of a cleaning, then we headed out with some people from church to do some random acts of kindness.  We visited a young man and his mom who have been having to stay at the hospital for 75 days ... since April 15.  He was in a car accident and had a head injury and is not conscious completely yet.  :-(  His mom has only been home one day for a few minutes.  Otherwise, she has been living at the hospital since April 15. A situation like that makes you thankful for your own situation, I tell you.  After that, we put some RAOK envelopes on some vending machines, some quarters on gumball machines, gave out some water bottles and delivered some goodies to the ER department workers and the fire department.  

Then we went and picked up one of my kid's friends and just as soon as we got back home, I got a call from work, asking me to work this evening.  I just finished and clocked out and it is 10:00 p.m.  My supervisor thanked me profusely for working and complimented me on what a good job I do, and I appreciated that.  It's nice to be noticed for doing good work.  So now I'm tired and I'm going to watch a little CSI and then go to bed.  Whew.

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