Saturday, May 24, 2014

Yesterday and today.

Yesterday my husband and son and I were all 3 trying to work out part of the accident details so that my son can come home.  We have gotten the car ready to make the drive home and my son is coming home today (woot!)  but he will have to go back to Mississippi on July 1 to appear in court.  Anyway, we get to see him, so that's good.  Yesterday I was talking on Facebook to a friend and we decided that their family should come over today after the prom-recap meeting we are having at lunch, so now we've got 2 things to look forward to today.

We've recently found out that the bookmobile comes to our church parking lot every couple of weeks, which is not far from home, so Thursday, we went to the bookmobile and stocked up on books and also returned a ton.  It's handy to go out there, although the selection of books, of course, is not that big.  We may be able to ask the librarians to put things on the bookmobile for us in the future though.  I tell you, gas prices being what they are, you've got to take advantage of opportunities like this.  I try and go to the library when I am in town, but now that my mom is in a different town, in a different direction, getting to the library has been a little more complicated.  This year, it seems, everything has gotten more complicated.  Sigh.

Just a note on what we are reading lately as we have been reading some good stuff:

The Rosie Project
Paradise Fields 
Queen of Babble in The Big City


Percy Jackson - All of them.

The Wells Bequest

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