Thursday, May 15, 2014

More busy-ness.

I need it.  I have been feeling so terribly sad over mom's situation and I feel that being busy helps.  This has been a great week for seeing our homeschool group family..  We saw them Monday and Tuesday and we'll see them today and tomorrow since today is prom decorating and tomorrow is prom!  Yesterday, we did the last thing we needed to get done before prom, we went to whole foods and got some gluten free cupcakes.  I could have made cupcakes, but my kitchen is a mixed kitchen with gluten free people and gluten-full people cooking in there and I don't currently have dedicated bowls and pans for gluten free.  I really should do that soon.  I was afraid there would be another gluten free kid there at the prom and that kid might be really really sensitive to even a molecule of gluten and might get a molecule of gluten from my cookware, so I bought them. 

Before we went to whole foods we went to visit mom and we actually had a good visit!  They are treating her so well there at her new facility.  We went for a walk in the garden (luckily there was a break in the constant rain) and sat and talked in the dining room for a while.  She seemed okay.  She didn't want us to leave, but when we did leave, she was hugging and kissing one of the workers there.  I felt the knot of tension that has been in my stomach ease a little bit at that moment.  I'm still praying it continues to work out. 

Looking forward to the excitement of tomorrow.  I sure hope all this rain stops!!!! 

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