Monday, May 12, 2014

Field Trip/Planning Meeting.

As I have mentioned before, one of the members in our homeschool group moved to Indiana last year.  They are still active in our group when they can be and since we love them, we visit them as often as we can   The prom for our group is this Friday and due to snow days and broken down vehicles and other things that have happened this spring, we haven't done some of the planning.  So today's the day.  We are going to get together and prom plan and have dance lessons and delegate responsibilities for the big day and then hang out and enjoy each other for a while and then drive home.  I've had some pretty tough weeks lately and I am really looking forward to it, despite the long trip.

I went to see Mom last night and she was not very happy to be where she is, she doesn't really know where she is, but I was fortunate to get to talk to the director and she reassured me that for less than a week being there, mom is doing fine.  We went out and walked around the gardens, looked at the chickens and all the veggies and flowers growing.  My brother is going today to see her.  Please pray/send warm thoughts that she will settle in.  We have found a really, really good place for her this time, but now it all depends on her ability to cope and get comfortable.  I pray she is able to do that.

I carry this big, HUGE, guilt load around that I should bring her into my house or move into her house and take care of her.   Everyone I have talked to about this, feels that this is not a viable choice for me, in my situation, with my personality and that people with Alzheimer's who are kept in their own homes, often beg to "go home" but I still struggle with it.  Honestly, I wonder if I'd make it a week. 

Oh well, big day today and I am going to focus on that!


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