Thursday, April 03, 2014

A little late, but ...

my one April fool's joke really didn't happen until last night.  Usually, I am all excited about April fools day for some silly reason and get up and do a bunch of harmless pranks on my kids before they get up, but this year, I was preoccupied with my job and other issues, so I didn't do very much.  On the evening of April 1st, after work while I was making dinner, I made some jello and poured it in the Kool-aid pitcher instead of Kool-aid.  A few minutes later, my youngest son came in the house, poured himself a glass of jello and drank it without noticing, thinking it was cherry Kool-Aid.  I saw him do it, but I didn't say a word.  Twenty four hours passed without incident.  He has a big Gatorade container that he was drinking out of instead of the Kool-Aid.  Then later last night, he got a glass and the pitcher of Jello and tried to pour himself a cup.  It wouldn't come out .  I was watching him and his face was hilarious.  Finally he saw me laughing and figured it out, then got a bowl and a spoon and ate the Jello.  Fun times.

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