Friday, March 21, 2014


I got through yesterdays work day.  I won't say without tears, because I think I did cry a little.  I've had such a difficult week mom-wise (by phone) and hormone wise and feeling bad while starting a new job.  I tried very hard to have a happy evening and I succeeded.  I watched a little bit of Boy Meets World with the kids, we took a walk and I art-journaled.  I posted this word Hope page earlier then decided that the word itself needed to be darker.  In this picture, it looks like the whole thing is darker, it's not.  I didn't change anything, but the line of the word hope, so all of the other bright colors are still there.  It may still be a work in progress.  We'll see.  The bible verse in the background is about overflowing with hope and the page looks like an ocean of hope to me.

The third picture is a rock my son found in/near the creek.  It looks like it has had a hole chiseled in it.  Do you think we have an archeological discovery?  I can't imagine that is a natural formation.  In homeschooling news,there is procrastination going on, mostly from my son, as usual.  I know he is planning to do all of his math for the week today.  It's annoying but I keep going in the hopes that maybe he will learn to do better.  It could happen.

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