Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Work still not going well.

I get the same message every time I search for online typing jobs.  On the speech recognition editing, so far today I have gotten 7 jobs, but I had to return one because it would not completely download and it was going out of turnaround time so someone else had to type it.  Someone with faster internet than me.  Meanwhile, I've applied for 2 more jobs.  So far, I've been turned down without an interview for 6 or 7.  :-(  It's hard to start again. 

I went and visited mom last night and it was kind of awful.  I don't want to go into any details, but it was very sad.

In the good news, my oldest son and his 2 friends from school are coming home on Saturday.  The kids are currently cleaning.  They got the boys room ready yesterday for the most part and worked on the living room a bit, cleaning underneath the furniture and the rug, things that don't get cleaned every week month as often as they should but I know with a big bunch of teens and young adults here, playing video games and board games and vaulting over the furniture, furniture will get moved.  The rug may even get rolled up so they can dance or do pushups or something.  You never know.  I do think it will be a fun week, but if I know the house is pretty much clean even underneath things, I will be better able to relax and enjoy it.  I know I'm weird.  My youngest son said that me wanting my house to be clean is the grown up's version of peer pressure.  I can tell you this, if my mother never did anything else, she ingrained this in me.  Clean the house when you are going to have company. 

So we are.

This morning I am waiting for work and between editing jobs (I've gotten 3 while I've been blogging) I've been reading, art journaling and listening to Christian rap and Twenty-One Pilots.  Christian rap tickles me, where else can you hear a song with the lyrics "think their feet don't stink."  LoL. 

Focusing on the positive. 

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