Sunday, March 02, 2014

Waiting and preparing.

We're supposed to have "significant icing" this evening.  I wish I meant buttercream icing on a big old cake, but no, the winter weather that is sweeping the nation is supposed to hit here today.  At first they said this morning, but now they've changed the ice predictions for our county to this evening.  This morning we got rainstorms and right now it is still above freezing at our house.  We are doing laundry, getting the dishes done and I made chocolate oatmeal no-bake cookies, you know, survival food, in case the power goes out.  I also made some taco soup, which is unrelated to the power going out, but I had some leftover hamburger meat from making spaghetti and meat sauce the other day and so  taco soup was the plan for the kids and I for lunch today.  I've been watching TV while I can while also doing other things around the house and doing a little art journaling.  If the power goes out, then it will be book and board game time.  :-)   We really should do some cleaning too, but no one wants to --- as usual. 

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