Tuesday, February 04, 2014

I was sitting at the pain clinic.

So, while I was here, I decided to use my tablet to take pictures of some of my art journal pages.

While I was there I finished coloring in the letters on this one.

And finished coloring in the green on this one.

We weren't at the pain clinic as long as usual.  They were all trying to hurry so they could get home before the rain/snow/sleet mixture hit.  I asked them if I could get this kind of service next time and they looked a little sheepish.  They can do better, apparently.  The snow/sleet/rain mixture hit me on the way home. 


  1. LOVING all your journal pages! Time for me to take some more pictures to share. I just finished up the journal I was using yesterday....so today is a Brand spanking new one!

  2. Thanks Amy! I appreciate the feedback. I kind of feel like I make too many and they are too much alike and why am I doing this and what am I going to do with them all ... but I love doing it - it's fun and relaxing, so I keep producing pages. :-)

    I like yours because they are all very different and original. Have fun with the new book!
