Monday, January 06, 2014

Yeah, it's cold, but there's no snow.

Ever since my kids got sleds for Christmas a couple of years ago, we haven't had any significant snowfall.  For anyone living near me, you're welcome.  :-P   The weather guys locally were predicting several inches of snow yesterday and today, but as usual, nothing.  My youngest son sure would like to see some snow, but it's 7 degrees here, so I guess it's a good thing he is not tempted to go outside.  I know I certainly am not.  Today, we need to take our Christmas tree down.  We are really late this year but the cold virus that has rampaged through here this week has been pretty rough.  I guess I need to just schedule this darn cold every year because it's going to happen the week after Christmas.  There is a lot of coughing around here.  My husband sounds the worst and he probably has pneumonia.  He went to a clinic yesterday after work, but they didn't do an x-ray, so we are not sure.  We're still not doing school here due to my oldest son being home and with the illness, everyone is so, so lazy.  We've been having a Monk marathon, and since everyone has seen all of the episodes multiple times, we can join it at will and go take a nap at any time without feeling like we're missing something.  We haven't even had the energy to play all of our board games.  How sad is that?   I'll have to do my usual games review post sometime later.  Like, in the spring.

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