Friday, January 31, 2014

Trying my best.

I'm trying to hang in there this Friday, another day without a car which is driving me completely bonkers and we all know that is not a long drive.  I don't know anyone who goes without a car as much as me.   Yes, I know that is a first world problem, but we seriously live in the boonies here.  I went ahead today and permanently changed my daughter's piano lesson from Friday to Tuesday since we cannot ever get there and then I looked and this coming Tuesday is the next pain clinic appointment for mom, so I probably won't make even the first one.  It seems like, in the winter time anyway, we go from nothing to 100 things on one day (mainly because 4H starts their January-June meetings), like Monday, when we finally get to see our homeschool group for gym day, but also have a needlework club 4H meeting that day and probably won't have a car so won't be able to do either one?  I don't know.  It's frustrating.  Also it might snow again this weekend.  If I were one of those Pollyanna type people (which I would very much like to be) I would just look on the bright side of things, be thankful that if I am stuck home I am stuck at home with 2 of the most wonderful teenagers on the planet and clean the house and bake brownies and do all kinds of Pollyanna type things, but being me, I'll probably just take a nap.  You've got to go with your strengths right?  I'm very good at napping. 

We did do something fun last night after I got home from seeing mom, the kids and I watched part of Season 1 of Boy Meets World from Netflix while I painted backgrounds for art journaling.  That is a very cute show that I really didn't watch the first time it was on.  Then my daughter read several chapters from The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle. 

Just now when I was trying to type Hero the word expansion software I use for work (Shorthand 10- highly recommended!) tried to expand the word to hemorrhoid, which I thought was kind of funny and it reminded me of an rather unfortunate tendency I have during work to type foot instead of food.  I was typing a GI report this morning and I was supposed to type "The patient was instructed to cut her food into small pieces."  You can see what's coming, right?  I typed "The patient was instructed to cut her foot into small pieces."  I did catch it before I saved.  :-)   It also reminds me of my friend from my very first medical transcription job who accidentally let the spellcheck change the word hemorrhoids to hammerheads about 6 times in a report and printed it and sent it up to the floor, reducing the unit secretary to tears.  Good times.

Anyway, that's another Friday.   We'll see how the homeschool procrastination has gone this week later tonight.

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