Wednesday, January 08, 2014

The Roller Coaster Ride.

We are all still on the roller coaster here, trying to find a way to help mom. She called me crying yesterday and in desperation, I called a private care home near here and asked for a tour.  They have one opening.  The place was reasonably nice and clean and they have home inspections by the state posted and so we are going to give it a whirl.  There is the lady who runs it, her aunt and she is allowed by the state to keep 3 elderly patients.  They have an open door, come in anytime policy and they operate like a family, hanging out together in a house, not an institution.  I hope/pray that this is the answer for mom.  We are going to move some things in there this afternoon and have mom spend the night there for a few nights before we decide whether or not to end our current lease at the assisted living facility.

I also pray that the chest pain I am having is asthma and not a heart attack.  It's been a rough, rough ride lately.

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