Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year!

I sure do pray this year is better than the last.  Hey 2013, don't let the door hit you in the rear on the way out.  Good riddance.  Now I just need to put on my brave face and charge right into 2014.

Last night we brought in the new year with 4 of the 5 of us sick with this cold virus that's been running wild through our family and the other one of us (me) on steroids for whatever is wrong with my elbow.  We had invited friends over to play games and celebrate with us but my friend tore her calf muscle exercising yesterday morning (doesn't that sound awful?) and the battery went out on their van, so they decided to stay home.  So we watched many episodes of Monk on TV, art journaled, knitted and generally were lazy.  We won't start back to homeschooling until my oldest son goes back to college in a couple of weeks.  Hopefully, everyone will feel better, we will get to spend time with friends before he goes back. 

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