Friday, January 24, 2014

Another Friday.

I can't believe it is Friday again already.  We've been hanging in here, keeping warm in some very cold weather, playing in the snow a little bit and figuring out our new new normal.  I have to say that this one is an improvement on the last one.  For the last couple of months I have been so stressed out about my mom and now I feel that she is doing so much better.  She is living with 4 other ladies, getting 3 nutritious meals a day and says that she likes it reasonably well.  I think in the back of her mind, she would rather go home, but I am hoping that as she continues to live here, she will feel that it is home.  I am not sure if she will, but she's doing things that indicate she's feeling more homey like taking her shoes off when she gets in, so that's a start.  My brother and I discussed how well our parents raised us to feel guilty about everything, and so both of us feel like we are not spending enough time there ... but at the same time, feel that mom is okay.  It's weird.  

This is a picture of a snowman that the kids made on top of my husband's car.  His car doesn't have a heater, so he has not been driving it to work for some reason, which means that I had to miss volunteering last night :-(  to finish mom's TB test and run errands because I wouldn't have a car today.  Or this whole weekend.  :-(    It's very frustrating.  I guess maybe we could get the housecleaning done? 

It is supposed to snow here again Saturday I hear.  Geek Mom has a gathered a bunch of snow-related fun activities.  If you are expecting snow, go take a look. 

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