Friday, December 27, 2013

Okay, now, I guess.

I need to get back to my normal life?  I really don't want to.  I'd like an excuse to keep on putting off all the things I don't want to do.  :-P    Here they are, in no particular order.

I need to go see about my arm, since I can't straighten it out.  ( I have an appointment today.)

I need to find Mom's VA application papers and take them to the assisted living facility person in charge of procuring VA benefits.  I'm really not sure where this might be????

My brother and I need to decide if Mom is staying where she is or moving to a different location.

I need to declutter my house. 

I need to get a new job.

I need to get an eye examination and new contacts.  Maybe some type of bifocal system.  :-(

I need to talk to my daughter and maybe enroll her in dual credit classes.  That has been the plan but as this is her last year of high school, she has things she wants to accomplish and really would it hurt to start college next fall?

I also need to take my daughter to get her driver's permit.

I need to try and lose the bazillion pounds I gained this year from stress eating, being sick and having all my joints hurt all the time.   (Most of my joints seem to be doing better thankfully, with the exception of my left elbow.)

I hope I can get at least some of these all checked off pretty quickly while still enjoying my son being home. :-)

1 comment:

  1. There is always something that needs to be done, isn't there? I would like to manage the art of getting everything done while doing nothing at all. :-)
