Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday a.m.

I am up early because I have a ton of stuff to do today.  I have to work and in the middle of my workday, I have to take the kids to their Christmas lunch, then go get Mom and take her to the doctor, with 2 teens in tow.  Oh, the fun of the sandwich generation.  Ironically I am taking someone else to the doctor when I myself can barely walk, cannot straighten out my arm, my eye is twitching continually.  It's fun.  Also, I need to finish up maybe some odds and ends of the Christmas shopping.  I'm waiting for my husband to message me back on Facebook and I'll know whether one more thing needs to be ordered.  Maybe 2.   I've already typed 2 priority/stat reports this morning and now I am going to go load the dishwasher, give Max the Dog his insulin injection, feed the outside pets (which I call the herd because there are 4 of them.), type some more, take a shower and go.  I've also been looking into alternative lunches because we've scheduled the lunch at Pizza Hut back when my girl was not gluten free, but now she is and she doesn't like salad, so she won't be able to eat there ... sigh.  

But the good news is that in the middle of this busy day, I get to see my friends from the homeschool group (some of them ~ I will miss the others terribly!) and maybe play a relaxing game or two.  

I just need to relax.  This can be done.  Just keep plugging away.

I'm off to feed the herd now. 

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