Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Getting there.

We managed to have a nice Christmas Eve yesterday, despite our change of plans.  We went out to Mom's assisted living apartment and hung some pictures up for her and sung her a song or two (She's our biggest fan) and then we went to church last night.  Then we slept for a short time and got up and gave gifts to the kids.  I'm kind of mad at myself for ordering the wrong size shirt for my oldest son.  His school bookstore was having a sale about a month ago and I had bought him a t shirt from there that was a medium, and this time I ordered a hoody.  I should have thought to get a hoody a size bigger because you wear it over other shirts, but I didn't.  I bought the medium.  Other than that, everything was a hit.  My husband did a good job with the shopping. 

Now we are off to have breakfast with my husband's family then come back home to have dinner with my family. 

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!

" What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

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