Tuesday, November 19, 2013


We got mom moved yesterday.   It was kind of stressful and difficult but we got through it.   Mom's cousin is in the same assisted living facility that mom is in and she is about the same as far as her Alzheimer's goes, so they remember each other but they don't remember where each other's rooms are; but they were happily walking up and down the hall last night part of the time, so I really think that her cousin being there is going to be a blessing.  Mom was worried when she went to sleep last night about what would happen in the morning and if she would sleep through breakfast, but AT&T did a great job of getting her phone switched over to her new apartment in a timely manner, so I was actually able to call mom this morning and talk to her.  Her cousin was in the room and her brother had stopped by for a visit, so she was having a great time and she said that she slept well.  I feel so much better now.  This morning was what I was worrying about too.   I'm going to go see her this afternoon and take her some things we forgot yesterday. 

Thanks for prayers and warm thoughts over the last couple of weeks.  :-)


  1. So glad things went well with your Mom's move and she is settling in just fine - I can imagine it is a load off of your mind!

  2. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Glad to hear that. I have missed blogging as Google will not let me sign into my account. Will pray for your mom.
