Monday, November 11, 2013

Doing better so far?

Okay, I gotta admit, the kids did a pretty bad job last week, procrastinating their school work until Friday night and a natural consequence of that was that we didn't get to listen to our audio book because they were still working on school until almost midnight.  Yes.  It is bad.  They know it.  I know it.  For the moment though, I'm not working on any strategies to help them do better.  For one thing, I have a lot going on and a lot on my mind too, with my job going to the dogs so to speak with this new voice recognition editing that I have to do and get paid almost nothing for doing and still feeling kind of bad, so I don't really have time, energy or patience for being right on top of them all the time.  It might be a good thing though.  They are both up and at it today and some stuff is getting done.  They just might learn to pace themselves throughout the week and get things done on their own,which will be a useful skill throughout life. 

Speaking of pacing oneself, I'd better get to work while I have work.  I have a date today with a dear friend to go salvage and thrift shopping and I want to get done a little early!

Photo unrelated to content of blog, I just thought it was pretty.

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