Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A couple of funnies.

Yesterday, when the teens were playing with the baby we babysit, they put a blanket over this little box and made it like a little car and moved it around the room.  After a while, my daughter thought the baby might be sleepy, so she got her to lie down in the box.  The baby said something that sounded like "gluk guh" and sat back up.   My daughter said "'gluk guh' what does that mean?"  and my son said "It means 'I've got a cardboard box poking me in the side".  Then they went back to pulling the box around the room and making car noises and at one point the box hit my son in the side, so he said "gluk guh!"   It was cute.

Later on, the same son and my daughter were sitting on my bed talking to me while I was looking up patterns for something I want to sew.   I printed one out and asked my son to go get it.  He got up off the bed, walked into the other room and didn't come back.  My daughter and I sat there for a while waiting for him, but he was off doing something else.  My daughter said that sometimes when she asks him to do something, he goes and does something else.  Her theory is that he hears the asking/ commanding tone of voice, but is not really listening to what she says.  She says that often she asks him to hand her something and he gets up and puts the dogs out.  LoL.

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