Tuesday, October 29, 2013

We are still here.

I'm doing okay.  My brother is on vacation this week and is going to handle all the details regarding mom's move.  I am working since I never get paid time off.  Yesterday, I got done with work, hurried to the library to get a couple of book holds while they were still open, went to Gamestop and exchanged a used Nintendo DS with my son and then came home to enjoy my book.  Creative Doodling and Beyond.  Today, we've got a 4H meeting and my oldest is supposed to call from Mississippi and I will have to go to the lab to give a urine sample.  Again.  I am still feverish, which I have been, with only a couple of days break, since at least August the 8th.  I'm going on 3 months.  However, in my quest to figure out why I was having all over joint paint despite being gluten free, I tried something else, which seems to be working.  If you recall, back in July, I tried going without nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes and peppers) but that didn't seem to make a significant difference.  Maybe it made me less stiff but I am not sure.  So Sunday, in desperation, I went off of  dairy, just to see if it helps and so far, so good.  I kind of hate that it is dairy, because I love to put cheese on everything and in everything, but I want an answer and I want to be able to walk around at things like the state fair, without suffering, so I guess I will cope with it.  It's fun finding out new things like this.  Really.  So much fun coping with moving my mom, the holidays coming up, cold weather, being sick and feverish for 3 months, undergoing training at work on a new system and having my pay cut to 1/4 of what it has been. 

Sorry.  I descended into a little self pity.  Really, I'm okay but I will be glad to see 2013 ending. ( Hey, 2013, don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out! )  The good news is my son is coming home for Thanksgiving, the kids are fine.  School is going well.  It's fall and the fall colors are finally here.  I enjoy the weather this time of year.  (Thinking positive there, did you see that?)

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