Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tired but okay.

I've been having trouble sleeping at night lately.  I go to sleep and then wake up, then go to sleep, then wake up.  I spend hours doing this and then get into a decent sleep around 4:00 am or so.  This morning my alarm went off at 6:45 and I was not ready for it.  I feel pretty tired.  However, I don't feel feverish or sick, so I guess I'll take it.  Both kids are babysitting today.  The girl is taking care of the baby as usual and the boy is entertaining her 7 year old brother.  Really I think he's just having fun with him.  They were playing video games and just a minute ago I heard boy fake-fighting sounds so I think maybe they are doing that.  On Tuesday, they played a lot of Nerf.  We have Nerf darts all over our house, but we pretty much did before Tuesday anyway.  Those things seem to multiply.  Move any piece of furniture in this house and you'll likely find a Nerf dart behind it and probably a paper airplane.  It used to be that we had Barbie shoes all over the house too, but the girl seems to have outgrown that sort of thing. 

We got to talk to the big boy in Mississippi last night.  He says he's doing okay.  He has a lot of work to do this trimester because he has taken Spanish, Algebra 1 and Music Theory.  In Spanish, he said he had to learn 60 verbs and be able to conjugate them all for a test today.  Music theory was really hard for him at first because he didn't know how to read music, but he says he's getting used to that now and doing okay.  In algebra, he has a D average right now, but he is thinking he will pull that up to a C on the next test.  He has to keep a C average to keep his scholarship, so he's working really hard on that.  I am very happy that he is studying in school.  We did have some trouble getting him to do his homework when we were homeschooling him. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope you start getting more sleep.

    In my house its Legos... THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!
