Monday, September 30, 2013

Still. :-P

I am still not feeling all that good.  The main part of it is feeling weak.  Still I am trying to cope with it.  If I am going to feel bad all of the time and if my house is not going to be condemned, then I am going to have to do things to take care of the house despite feeling bad.  So yesterday I made myself a list of things I was going to do despite feeling bad ... kind of a Just Do It list.  I was pretty easy on myself and some of the things were added after I had done them, just to pad it out a little.  :-)

So here is my Sunday afternoon list.
1.  Cook the chicken that has been in the fridge for several days.  (This involved touching the chicken and everything.  Yuck.)
2.  List some things on Ebay.
3.  Unload and then load dishwasher.
4.  Play a board game with the kids.
5.  Take a nap.
6.  Put all of aluminum cans in 1 bag.  My mom had sent them over here in a bunch of little bags.  I had the kids do this because when I bend down to pick things up, I nearly pass out.  Everything goes black.  Fun.
7.  Make a cinnamon roll cake.  Hey, another Pinterest success.  Really I just wanted something sweet and this is one of the things that went on the list after it was done.
8.  Make cornbread (to go with the chicken).
9.  Watch TV.
10. Check Facebook.  Message my son in Mississippi to pay his bill at the business office and remind him to check his mail daily for packages, cards and donuts
11.  Art journal.

All in all, a very productive day for someone who feels like she should be in the hospital.  It will have to do because that's what I did. 

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