Thursday, September 19, 2013


That's the message that I got when I got back from the dentist.  Be quiet because the baby is sleeping.  I don't know what kind of morning they have had because I was sleeping in, then getting ready for the dentist and then going to the dentist.  Now half the day is gone and I'm banished into the bedroom with the dogs, trying to be quiet.  If I go in the other room without the dogs, Freckles scratches on the door and barks for me, which is not conducive to quietness.  :-) 

So what else have we been up to?  I have been resting and taking it easy, trying to get over this urinary tract infection that has plagued me and seriously weakened me for the last month.  Last night for the first time in a long time, my body indicated that it felt like moving a bit and it was tired of resting so I did a little activity last night.  I'm still not back to normal but maybe that is a hopeful sign.  Last night I also watched Les Miserables.  I'm probably showing my lack of culture but here goes.  I knew it was a musical, but I did not realize that the whole entire thing was sung.  It seems kind of crazy to me.  I wonder if it is a love it or hate it kind of thing or if everyone else just pretends to like it, but I don't like it.  It's weird.  Nonetheless, I watched the whole thing and now I can check that off my list.  Seen it.  Heard it.  Don't care to again, thanks.    I tend to be that way about a lot of things that other people love.  Gone with the Wind - Meh.  Wizard of Oz - Yuck.  That witch starred in every nightmare I had as a child.  So probably, it's just me.

At the dentist today I had a strange, not pleasant experience.  Some of the water they were shooting into my mouth went up my nose and I had to really try hard to breathe and not to panic.  Every breath was delayed by the movement of that fluid, up and down in my nasal passages.  I couldn't get it out even thought the dentist let me sit up and snort and cough and various other things to try and get it out so I had to endure it.  It felt like drowning.  However, I did not drown and thankfully then dentist and his assistant were efficient and quick.  I am sure glad that is over.  :-P

Now to see if I have the strength to do my volunteer shift tonight.  Boy has this infection taking the oomph out of me. 

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