Sunday, September 01, 2013

Not a lot.

We did not do much of anything today and it was GREAT. Really.  We went to church, came home, took a nap, watched some Mythbusters and just goofed off.  All day.  Did I mention, it was great?  Best of all, the phone did not even ring one time.  I love it when that happens.  :-)  I painted some backgrounds for some art journal pages and did some cooking, trying my hand at a no-tomato spaghetti sauce.  The jury is still out.  I haven't actually eaten any of it.  I made dirty rice and we ate that.  Tomorrow, I may try and make some lasagna.  I'm not sure.  Little tastes of the sauce have not been very promising.  Maybe after it sits in the fridge overnight and the flavors mingle a bit more?  I don't know if I mentioned, but I have been trying to go "nightshade free" which means no tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes or peppers.  I can tell it makes a difference in my joint pains, so I am going to stick with it for the most part.  I think that it is something that you can just cut down on, unlike gluten, which causes a huge reaction with just the tiniest bit.  I can eat a little bit of potato, for example, there is potato flour in the gluten free baking mix that I buy, but I don't need to eat a lot.  That's way easier than going gluten free was. 

Anyway, that's it for today.  Tomorrow, even though it is labor day, I'll be working and probably the kids will do school.  We'll see.

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