Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I guess I am.

I guess I am hanging in there.  I got to see all my homeschool buddies yesterday.  We had 4H.  The kids had a great drawing lesson taught by a real artist in our group and then an ASL - American Sign Language lesson, which was really great too.  Afterwards we went to Taco Bell.  I had looked up Taco Bell's menu on line and despite how easy it is to make tacos that are gluten free, they don't even try, so I found the one meal we could order there which was a Cantina Bowl, which was absolutely disgusting.  Both of us picked a few bites of the meat out of it and then threw it away.  If you order this, ask for the slimy green dressing to be on the side, that way you can decide if you like it before drowning your food in it.   Hey, at least the company was good.  When I came home, I had to cook because my daughter and I were both hungry and she doesn't do the gluten free sandwiches like my son does when he is home so she is more dependent on my cooking.  So at 9:00 p.m. last night, despite spending a couple of hours at a restaurant, I had to cook.  Not fun.

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