Friday, September 06, 2013


It's Friday and consequently, there is some schoolwork around here that needs to be done.  Yes, they are up to their old tricks again, waiting until Friday on as much of the work as they can, but I think I do see a glimmer of improvement.  I think maybe it's not as bad as last year and the consequences are in place, they believe in them, they are motivated to get it done by bedtime on Friday.  That's something I guess.  We've got a craft night at church tonight and we are going to Mod Podge and make flower bouquets and I am looking forward to it.  I hope we have a good turnout and everyone has a nice time.   I made no-bake cookies with gluten free oats in them so my daughter and I will have a snack.  She has joined me, at least temporarily in my gluten free journey.  She says it makes her feel better so she will probably keep it up. 

So, I'll try and post pictures of the crafts we make tonight.  :-) 

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