Wednesday, August 07, 2013

What's going on.

There's always a lot going on around here.  Yesterday, we paused Mom's Work Camp due to my daughter's birthday and took her out to eat.  She chose to go to Moe's and Red Mango, with a stop in between at Bath and Body Works.  Her main birthday shopping is going to be another day, not sure which, maybe next Sunday.  The big boy will celebrate his birthday again in another state and so we are thinking of things we can send him.  He's fortunate to have a lot of friends who will take him to his favorite, Mellow Mushroom.

This all leads me to a little thought about diet issues.  If you've been reading the blog for long, you know I'm gluten free.  I am almost 4 years gluten free and have said a thankful goodbye to most of my fibromyalgia symptoms, headaches, aching legs, brain fog and extreme fatigue.  However, the last few months I have been struggling mightily with joint pains.  I went to the doctor and had rheumatoid arthritis ruled out and just continued to suffer.  (not silently!).  Then a few weeks ago, a fellow blogger posted a recipe for a gluten free, dairy free, nightshade free pizza and I had to ask, what is a nightshade and why don't you eat them?  Turns out, they are tomatoes, potatoes and peppers and she doesn't eat them because they cause joint pain.  Eeek.   I thought I'd give it a try and I have been mostly nightshade free for a couple of weeks.  It's tolerable, I guess, though most of what I usually cook, I can't eat.  :-(  The peppers are the worst.  Anyway, yesterday we were at Moe's and I was feeling very good so I split an order of nachos with my son.  While we were eating them, I tried to stay away from visible tomatoes and peppers, but today, everything HURTS.  So there's my sign I guess.


It's home-grown tomato season, you know. 

Also, related to food, I cleared the first recipe for my son's cookbook.  It's no-bake cookies in the microwave.  Comfort food.  Here;s the link to the recipe I used.  Since he's dairy free, I used water instead of milk and margarine instead of butter. 

Today, I'm going to work on a quick gluten free bread recipe for him to make in the microwave.   I enjoy cooking and working on recipes for special diets (this surprises me!)  I just wish I had someone who would come and clean the test kitchen.  :-)

All of the posts today on Facebook are about kids starting back to school, even homeschoolers are mostly starting back this week.  We feel kind of left out.

And grateful. 


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