Monday, August 12, 2013

August-y things.

I have not been feeling well, but I have figured out that a lot of my issues are related to asthma, which I have had for years, but it has not troubled me for a long time.  Also, I'm running one of my mysterious fevers, so I went to the doctor today and convinced her to give me an antibiotic because having a fever at the state fair next week, does not sound like fun to me.  It just saps my energy and makes me really unable to tolerate the heat.   We're kind of getting ready for the fair, making plans, inviting people to go with us, etc.. We've picked up all our tickets and got a parking pass.  I wonder if it is too late to buy the discounted ride tickets?  Oops.  It probably is. 

Also, we are doing a tiny bit of panicking about my son's financial aid, because it's not showing up on his college portal.  We called down there and I had a very funny series of conversations with the switchboard operator, because my call kept being returned to her.  Someone in financial aid is supposed to call me back.   Also, there's been a little dorm drama.  He was trying to get into a different dorm and he thought he had it all lined up, but today his roommate told him that he, the roommate, might live off campus because it would be cheaper.  This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, since the housing there is so very inexpensive, 1500 dollars a year.  I mean really, where can you live for that?  Also, we haven't heard about work study yet and he really needs it this year.  Sigh.  It's always something, isn't it? 

As for our homeschool, we start the week after the fair, after my oldest son goes back to school and we will probably start very slowly, with just the basics and add things in as we go, so as to make it easier on me.  :-P

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