Monday, August 26, 2013

A glimpse into our process.

So I got over (mostly) feeling sorry for myself this morning and did get some dishes done and some work done and we started school.  School started with using a form from Donna Young's collection of homeschool forms to tally what my youngest son has done and needs to do.  I already had one mostly done on my daughter.  She only needs a few things to finish, geometry, health/PE, English, foreign language and world history.  My youngest has been doing a lot of work along with his sister and is ahead of where he should be.  Since he has dysgraphia/dyslexia, he needs to do some work on literacy so that will be his focus.  He's got to do Algebra 2 and world history, foreign language, English, health/PE and a few other things, but it won't be a problem trying to fit them all in in the next 3 years.  At all.  He might finish next year.

Anyway, so for right now, we have started.  I've got a spelling book coming in the mail and they are designing their own world history study based on the world history timeline book I bought a few years ago.   It was funny when we had our meeting, I told them to clean up the living room and my daughter asked if, when I went to public school, if I had had to do cleaning.  Yes, as a matter of fact, I do remember helping clean the classroom at the end of the year, beating erasers, cleaning the chalkboard and even sweeping out the bus.  So I told them if they want it to be like public school, expect cleaning and also promised to bully them a little bit later, if they want.  They didn't. 


We've begun.

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