Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Today's challenge, #11.

We are going to go kayaking, kind of, with the homeschool group today.  We're not going on a long trek or anything, but most of the kids have never gotten to get in a kayak including 2 of mine and we have a kayak and one other family has 2, so we are just going to hang out at the boat dock and take turns letting the kids get a feel for it.  So today's challenge for your family, try something new or look at something from a fresh perspective.  This will be a fresh perspective for us, of a lake that we drive by pretty much every day.  This time, we'll be on the other side of the lake (a mile or so away from our usual drive by) and even on the lake, which is not something any of us have gotten to do before. 

One time last year, we stopped and got out and looked from the dam, which we usually just drive right on over and we discovered that there is a really cool water draining system in the dam, which we'd never seen and also a path along the lake that we did not know was there.  So get out of the car (safely) and look at something close up or from a different angle today.  :-)  Maybe even just walk down a street you drive down frequently.  You see so much more when you walk.

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