Saturday, July 06, 2013

Talk about challenges ... #10?

It's hard trying to have a good summer when it rains EVERY. SINGLE. DAY..  We've had rain and storms daily for some time now.  Everything is saturated.  We haven't been in the pool at all.   So today's challenge, stop and smell the roses, look on the bright side or something.  I personally am going to venture outside to get the mail and try to find some flowers to appreciate on the way.  I'll see which kids and dogs will walk with me.

Despite the rain.

Updated to say all of the girl pets went with us, which means Max stayed in while the 2 younger kids and I walked with Lucy, Piper, Zoey, Zelda and Freckles.  Quite a parade.  We found 2 blackberries which looks to be our entire crop this year.  :-(   Also, we found a very pretty gladiolus getting ready to bloom. 

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