Monday, July 29, 2013

Computer Issues.

I got up this morning to find that I had 2 computer issues.  One was a network/internet issue that, though we tried very hard, we could not solve until my husband, our in-house technical support person, got home from work.  With that one solved, I could contact my work and try to get help with the other problem.  Apparently, with the hard drive failing in my computer, as we already knew it was, it has lost track of a file called "backward beep tone" and it can't play a little beeping sound that it wants to play when I back up my wave player.  So the whole system won't work because of this little beepy thing.  Crazy.  The tech support guy from the company I work with tried all kinds of solutions to try and go around it and to try and diagnose and fix it, to no avail.  There were many hours today spent dealing with these frustrating issues. 

In other news, 2 of the kids caught colds from VBS and the other one probably won't last long, so today's planned first day of MWC (Mom's Work Camp) was postponed.  Next week, though.  It's happening.  :-P

I hope.

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