Saturday, June 08, 2013

Settling in.

I guess my son is settling in at home.  I am enjoying having everyone under one roof again.  My youngest son bought himself some early birthday presents (He's going to be 15 next week!) and they have been playing a lot of new video games.  One advantage/disadvantage to moving my computer into the bedroom is that I need to shut it down when my husband goes to bed at 8:00 p.m. on the nights he works the next day, so I've been unplugged in the evenings.  That's a very good thing.  I've been working on my art journals a lot.  My friend who was here the other night said that they were good and now I'm feeling more confident and enjoying it more, even, if that is possible.  It reminds me of a quote I've blogged about before.

"Athletes call it The Zone, researchers call it Flow.
Children call it Play. This state is the essence of
real intelligence and creativity."  
Michael Mendizza

I really enjoy getting into "the zone" and it is a relaxing thing to do before bedtime.  I still haven't got my camera issues resolved, so no pictures, sorry! 

1 comment:

  1. Darn it, I was hoping to see pictures : ( Glad you are enjoying your creative time, Sometimes it really is just nice to get OFF the computer.
