Monday, June 03, 2013

Life just won't let up.

Sometimes, it just seems like everything hits at once.  My oldest is home and we want to enjoy time with him, but he was nauseated and not feeling well last night and we were worried that he had picked up a bug in Peru.  This morning, he is not nauseated and is eating breakfast, so I guess we'll see how that goes.

The girl is teaching the 4H knitting class today and they moved it to 1:30, right in the middle of my workday.

My mom's purse is still AWOL despite at least 6 people giving it their best shot trying to find it, leaving my brother and I scrambling to replace insurance cards, medicare cards, IDs.  We are also trying to apply for VA benefits for mom, possibly secure her some more home care or look into long term care.

Also, her pill dispenser has gone crazy, alarming at odd times and not going off.  Hopefully, it is just a battery issue.

I don't have any paid time off at my job, plus we are having a work shortage currently and I am having to work long, long hours to try and get enough lines.  I'm talking off and on from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. trying to catch a job when it comes in.

I am still awaiting an apology and perhaps an explanation from someone. 

I am experiencing PMS.  Again.   This means I have a headache and the patience of a gnat (I assume they have very little patience with anything since they only live about 2 days)..

We were planning to have a party tomorrow night for oldest son's homecoming, but I don't know how that's going to work with all that I have going on.

Still, we ARE managing to enjoy my son being home.   We sat around and sang while he played guitar yesterday, listened while he talked about Peru and ate Peruvian chocolate and played video games with him (something youngest son has been wanting to do for MONTHS.), so it's not all bad, but it is just kind of INTENSE. 

You know?

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