Thursday, June 06, 2013

I've moved.

I have moved my base of operation (my computer) to my bedroom.  Okay, my husband and kids did it.  I used to work in here for years, but I got frustrated with the internet connection and moved into the living room.  I've been working in there for quite a while, but when we did our cleaning this week, I asked to be moved out of the middle of the house.  So far, I like it and so far the internet connection is okay.  Last night I had a little difficulty transmitting a job that I had typed, but after a few minutes, it went.  :-)

The teens, for some reason, go where I am not, so they have been hanging out in my bedroom for the last few months and now they've moved back into the living room.  They come in here when they specifically want to talk to me, not just to hang out. I try not to take it personally.  :-P

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