Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Surprisingly ...

The kids are doing a great job with this cleaning.  No squabbling.  No griping.  No whining.  They are just getting it done.  We hope to have a party for our homeschool group when the oldest gets home and they are willing to put in the work in order to get to have their friends over.  They are on task to finish cleaning on the boy's room this evening  (it was really a mess) and then there's the girls room, which shouldn't take very long at all, the living room and kitchen, the porch and the yard.  I hope my husband is able to get the mower fixed to mow the lawn or I may have to get my mom's lawn mowing service to do it.  Why does our lawn mower have to break down every single year?     Anyway, back to the kids cleaning ... it's weird.  I kind of never thought this would happen.  Be encouraged moms of whiny, uncooperative kids who think cleaning is going to kill them and act accordingly .. it gets better.  Just keep on making them do it.  :-P

I had a pretty good mom's night out last night.  We had 100% of the moms in our group there, which is very rare.  It wasn't as hilarious as last month's night out but it was pretty nice.  We ate at Bob Evans where they serve a nice cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun and then went to a frozen yogurt place I can't remember the name of.  Yummy.


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