Tuesday, May 07, 2013

School year dwindling down and another 4H post.

Now that the prom is over, it's a relief.  It's kind of silly to feel that way over a party, but it is.  One of the older kids who has been to several formals said that this one was the best one she'd ever been to, that it was wonderful.  Now that our focus is off of that, we're kind of dwindling down our school year.  My daughter will finish the Algebra 2 lessons this week, my son has already finished his geometry.  Every thing else we do is kind of ongoing and fluid and those books will be packed away for the summer and gotten out next year.  

4H is kind of dwindling down too.  The main classes are January to June so they are almost over.  The only one we haven't stuck with and completed was the cooking class.  It was supposed to be a participation class, but it turned out to be a demonstration class and it was frequently at times we couldn't go so we dropped it.  The classes we have stayed with were for my son electricity, small engines and our homeschool club and for my daughter, needlework, 4H Means Business, our homeschool club and it seems like another one ... maybe not.  Anyway, my daughter taught the needlework class yesterday.  She's the teen assistant and the needlework adult leader only crochets a little, not enough to teach and the other leader is out with a heart attack, so my daughter taught the kids this month and next month she's going to teach knitting. 

Really, if you are a homeschooler and not in 4H you should look into it.  It's pretty much free.  We do have some fundraising selling candy that we do.  The kids learn all kinds of skills, learn to take on leadership,  (Oh yeah, dramatic arts club that's the other one!), get to go on interesting field trips (which are arranged by someone else! bonus!) and have all kinds of scholarship opportunities in the bargain.  It really is a great program. 

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